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The pure java Anti Spam ENgine
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Getting Started

JDK Requirements

jASEN has currently only been tested on JDK 1.4.2. If you are using a later JDK, please let us know if it doesn't work

3rd Party Libraries

jASEN currently has a dependency on the following 3rd party libraries: All of the above libraries are included in the jASEN distributable.

NOTE: The FastUtil library is quite large (~9MB) so a slimmed-down version is packaged with jASEN.
This was created using the AutoJar tool by Bernd Eggink.

Running the samples

Two sample applications are included in the "bin" directory.

NOTE: All files scanned by the sample applications MUST be MIME formatted text files


Scans a single file and prints detailed results to the console

scanfile takes one argument:
scanfile <file path>
scanfile c:/test/test.eml

Sample Output:

Initialising jASEN ...
Scanning file...c:\test\test.eml

Test Results

Prob	: Time		: Scanner
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Empty Mail Scanner (InvisiMailScannner)
0.998	: 15.000 (ms)	: AI Scanner (RobinsonScanner)
0.850	: 0.000 (ms)	: White Noise Detector (HTMLConcealmentScanner)
0.800	: 0.000 (ms)	: Image Misuse Detector (ImageDominanceScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Bug Detector (TagSourceCgiScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Port Scanner (TagSourcePortScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Phishing Detector (TagFalseAnchorScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Character Misuse Scanner (ObfuscatedCharacterScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Shouting Detector (AnomalousCharacterScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Worm and Trojan Detector (AttachmentScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Bulk List Detector (RecipientScanner)
0.500	: 32.000 (ms)	: Fraud Detector (SenderAddressValidationScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Forgery Detector (FromAddressValidationScanner)
0.500	: 0.000 (ms)	: Email Fingerprint Scanner (HeuristicScanner)
0.500	: 31.000 (ms)	: Keyword Scanner (KeywordScanner)
0.990	: 4531.000 (ms)	: Real Time Black List Detector (RBLScanner)

Overall (normalized) Result


Most likely SPAM

scanfolder Scans all the files in a given folder and returns summary results

scanfolder has the capability to take several command line arguments:
Usage: ScanFolder <folder path>
	Optional parameters:
	-H : Look specifically for HAM messages
	-S : Look specifically for SPAM messages
	-B : Look specifically for BORDERLINE messages
	-TL <threshold>: Specify the low score threshold (0.0 < TL <= HL < 1.0)
	-TH <threshold>: Specify the low score threshold (0.0 < TL <= HL < 1.0)
	-D <folder path>: The path to the folder in which to move matched messages
	-? : Display this help topic	
scanfolder c:/test/ -H -TL 0.1 -TH 0.9 -D c:/drop/

Sample Output:

Initialising jASEN ...
Scanning files in path... C:\test\

Scanning        :       I'm_quite_frazzled!_Messire.eml
Result          :       0.579
Judgement       :       Can't be sure.  Borderline case

Scanning        :       jerry_private_ip_port_scan.eml
Result          :       0.984
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       loovablle_modeel_cruellly_ravisheed_by_a_cuss__perrsia.eml
Result          :       0.748
Judgement       :       Can't be sure.  Borderline case

Scanning        :       Micro_RC_toys_are_back_!.eml
Result          :       0.944
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       New_CitibankMAIL_Service.eml
Result          :       0.450
Judgement       :       Can't be sure.  Borderline case

Scanning        :       new_deal,.eml
Result          :       0.992
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       Please_Complete_and_Return.eml
Result          :       0.340
Judgement       :       Can't be sure.  Borderline case

Scanning        :       Reply_ Inneocnt Wrohes and Big Dick.eml
Result          :       0.988
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       Re_Agreement_Information.eml
Result          :       0.993
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       Re_Rat-slayer_-_is_he.eml
Result          :       0.731
Judgement       :       Can't be sure.  Borderline case

Scanning        :       she'd.eml
Result          :       0.951
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       she_is_eighteen.eml
Result          :       0.335
Judgement       :       Can't be sure.  Borderline case

Scanning        :       Sun,_07_Nov_2004_042443_-0600.eml
Result          :       0.990
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       Vlagra offer you can't say no to!.eml
Result          :       1.000
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       What_can_you_do.eml
Result          :       0.995
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Scanning        :       Why_Pay_M0re_GW9m.eml
Result          :       0.999
Judgement       :       Most likely SPAM

Summary Results
Spam            :       10
Ham             :       0
Borderline      :       6
Errors          :       0
Total -no error :       16
Total           :       16

Writing a simple scan class

Below is a simple demonstration use of the jASEN API
public class ScanFile
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            if(args.length < 1) {
                System.out.println ("Usage: ScanFile <file path>");
				// Load the file into a MimeMessage
                File file = new File(args[0]);
                FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
                MimeMessage mm = new MimeMessage(null, fin);

                System.out.println ("Initialising jASEN ...");

                // Initialise the scanner
                // Optionally set a scan event listener
                JasenScanner.getInstance().setScanListener(new ScanListener());

                // Optionally specify an error handler
                ErrorHandlerBroker.getInstance().setErrorHandler(new EmptyErrorHandler());

                System.out.println ("Scanning file..." + args[0]);
                System.out.println ("");

                // Scan the message
                JasenScanResult result = JasenScanner.getInstance().scan(mm);

                // Get the result
                System.out.println ("Result");
                System.out.println ("----------------------------------");

                // Get the probability of spam
                System.out.println (result.getProbability());

                System.out.println ("");
                System.out.println ("Judgement:");
                System.out.println ("");

                if(result.getProbability() >= 0.9) {
                    System.out.println ("Most likely SPAM");
                else if (result.getProbability() <= 0.1) {
                    System.out.println ("Most likely HAM");
                else {
                    System.out.println ("Can't be sure.  Borderline case");
        catch (Exception e)
            e.printStackTrace ();